WND Associates was retained by NHD Developments Limited to assist in the development application approval process for the proposed infill development at 11 Catford Road and 20 Broadoaks Drive.
The proposed development consists of four distinct infill buildings, consisting of two 4-storey townhouse blocks, an 11-storey mixed-use building, and 21 and 25 storey residential towers connected by a shared 6-7 storey podium element. The proposed development will provide 881 square metres of new commercial gross floor area, in addition to 1,094 new dwelling units, for a total of 1,493 existing and proposed units on the Subject Site.
The proposed development will also provide 2,188 square metres of indoor amenity space, 2,188 square metres of outdoor amenity space, a 2,600 square metre publicly accessible landscaped open space area, and 1,600 square metre public park (with a potential 650 square metre over-dedication, for a total of 2,250 square metres).
The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment was approved by way of settlement at the Ontario Land Tribunal in 2023. The Site Plan Control and Draft Plan of Condominium applications are presently under review.